Covid Update Reopening Plan: Phase 3 begins March 21/22
All of us at Open Arms know how hard the last 2 years of Covid have been. There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel as restrictions loosen this month. We are looking forward to living life more normally but recognize that Covid is still out there and people are still getting sick. Several of our church family have gone through Covid and thankfully have done well. We are so grateful to God for that. But we do still have vulnerable people in our church family. We also want our community to feel safe coming to church. The mental and emotional transition from restrictions to maskless living is going to be very difficult for many and will put some at risk; yet it has to happen at some point. We plan to follow the government’s guidelines for reopening. We have trusted Public Health up till now and will continue to do so. As of March 7th, we stopped preservice registration, there is no requirement to have proof of Vaccine for any event, and we began to serve coffee of Sunday mornings though we ask that you are seated when removing your mask to drink. If guidelines allow, all restrictions for masks and social distancing will end March 21st BUT we encourage any to wear a mask if you feel safer and more comfortable doing so. We know many will for a while as we see how Covid progresses. We will continue to support and love one another in the choices that we make. Covid is not the only sickness out there-masks and handwashing have protected many of us from colds and illness over the last 2 years. If you are getting ill, please stay home-watch our service online. If you are getting over an illness or have lingering symptoms, we ask that you wear your mask (kids over 5 as well). This is the best way to protect one another from illness and continue in the work that God has for us. We thank the Lord that He has protected us so far and we have lost no one in our church family. We continue to ask Him to watch over us as we move forward.
LIVESTREAM Services will continue to be livestreamed. Our use of technology and language will reflect the importance of both in person and online participants.
If you have any questions about Open Arms Covid Safety Protocols, please contact Wanda Clay at [email protected]